Pilatesprop®️ - registered trademark as a training and physical training equipments provider and certified licensee training provider recognized by PhysicalMind Institute, USA. PhysicalMind Institute has been offered educational resources and Pilates teacher training program since 1991.
Our program is designed for individuals who wish to become Pilates instructors or wish to own a Private studio in their area. Our training covers essential knowledge of biomechanics-how your body moves, including Principals of Movement , Pilates Anatomy, Fundamentals (corrective movements), Pilates Apparatus exercises from beginner to advanced choreography, touch techniques and teaching skills.
Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are fully qualified to teach classes as well as to operate their own studio business confidently and professionally.
Our lead trainer is a movement & bodywork professionals since 2011. Other training crews are also experienced instructors and graduates of healthcare professionals. We ensure to provide participants with in-depth information and practical approaches on how to perform Pilates exercises on every equipments safely and how to give instruction properly.
In addition to the training itself, we offer business consultation to support instructors in their teaching endeavors as well as premium quality products, mentorship and business solutions that helps you build your own business model, upskill coaching, and offer continued education program to pursue a successful career.
PILATESPROP®️- comprehensive training programs for movement professionals with exclusive educational programs from PhysicalMind Institute, USA; Pilates certification program initiated since 1991 by Joan Breibart, President of PhysicalMind Institute who has worked closely with Eve Gentry, first generation teacher. More information visits History of PhysicalMind Institute.
Pilates is a type of movement exercise- designed and choreographed by Joseph Pilates, is recognized by movement professionals around the world that it helps strengthen postural muscle, improve balance and coordination, as well as develop kinesthsia. Pilates exercise can be categorized into two settings; Matwork (practice on floor) and Apparatus (practice on equipment).
Our most comprehensive program
Zero to Hero training program for enthusiastic learners and fitness operators
With years of experience in education and movement modalities, we designed and dedicated our 10 days in-person intensive course which combines Matwork & Apparatus together to help you achieve "deeper connection to your self" so that you could help the other.
Our programs allow you to progress at your own pace. Learners may earn a certification for each course separately by attending require in-person training sessions, submitting assignments and practice hours.
Flexible training schedule and private group training for your studio or fitness center is available anywhere in Thailand and other countries. We also run monthly training at our studio. Please connect with us for more details.
Updated program to give you more insight and practical experience
IPAT has combined 2 certifications of Matwork and Apparatus in to 10 days intensive in-person training, distinguished into 2 modules:
Bring you more choreography and authenticity of Movement Professions. We strongly agree that "Movement is life!".
Pilates Reformer:
Auxiliary Pilates Apparatus:
Our Highlight includes Joan Breibart's profound publications -
Fundamentals & Standing Pilates - including practice with PhysicalMind Institute's patented and trademarked props which are portable lightweight and affordable theraputic props such as Tye4, Minis and Parrasetter. Helps you get Better posture - Better mobility - Better breathing - Well balanced
Our educational materials cover Anatomy of Pilates, Fundamentals, Matworks, and Standing Pilates, research and references that focus on posture correction and choreograph techniques which best suits modern lifestyle.
Props introduce: Tye4, Parrasetter, Minis, mini ball, magic circle, massage ball, spiky dome, foam roller, arch, Barrel
-75 Hours of Assisted Teaching/Student Teaching with Qualified Teacher Trainer
- 48 Hours Observation
- 60 Self Practice Hours
Our continuing Education Program is an integrated psychosomatic movement and bodywork approach.
Our aim is to assist people to achieve balance in mind, body, and spirit. Help reduce stress, embrace positivity, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.
Our comprehensive and creative approach to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing including 3 Modules of the most authoritative modalities - Movement science , Touch therapy, Psychosomatic counseling with informative training by dedicated team of certified coaches and accredited training professionals in each area.
Module 1: Vector Anatomy & Science of the body and relationships with the mind
Movements and body vectors, exploring motions and 3 different movement modalities (yoga, Pilates, therapeutic mindfulness exercises)
Module 2: Motherhood & Womanhood
Understanding phisical changes and challenges of woman during prenatal, postnatal, menopause and experience practice and technique to adjust to your clients need.
Module 3:
Touch techniques and Bodywork practice
Each module is 2 days in-person workshop
Training hours: 9:00-16:00
Practice hours: 16:00-18:00
Post training practice and mentorship for 1 year to help you become confident and authentic therapist
The Foundation exclusive educational resources for movement professionals from PhysicalMind Institute with practice on mat, and PMI’s patented products.
This course introduces students to the knowledge of basic human anatomy and kinesiology, Pilates principles, posture and alignment, biomechanics, fundamentals of movement, breathing techniques and practices on Matworks, Standing Pilates and Fusion movements using Tye4®️ which is a posture correction product patented by PhysicalMind Institute.
In-person | Online
Booking by appointment only
Pilates exercises on Reformer and teaching techniques
Cover choreographs for begginer-intermediate-advance level.
Exercise sequences cover all settings: Foot bar/Straps/JumpBoard/Short Box/ Long Box
Equipment set up an safety. Teaching techniques on how to create workout program for studio group classes as well as personalized program.
Apparatus: Peak Pilates®️MVe Reformer, USA
หลักสูตรจากสหรัฐอเมริกา ใช้อุปกรณ์นำเข้าจากอเมริกา สอนเทคนิคการฝึก และการปรับท่าสำหรับผู้ฝึกตั้งแต่พื้นฐานถึงขั้นสูง
In-person only | 5 days
Booking by appointment only
Auxiliary Apparatus and teaching techniques - additional training Pilates MVe chair exercises, intermediate level reformer and ladder barrel exercises. More advanced teaching concepts include identifying common errors and proper body alignment, and structuring a Pilates session.
Apparatus: Peak Pilates®️, USA
หลักสูตรจากสหรัฐอเมริกา ใช้อุปกรณ์นำเข้าจากอเมริกา สอนเทคนิคการฝึก และการปรับท่าสำหรับผู้ฝึกตั้งแต่พื้นฐานถึงขั้นสูง
In-person only | 5 days
Booking by appointment only
Motherhood & Womanhood Revitalize Movements
A unique perspective and practical approach that help you understand the body and psychology of womanhood
- Practice for Prenatal, including breathing exercises, teaching clients with Pilates apparatus techniques and hands on adjustments
- Practice for Postnatal Diastasis Recti Exercises diastasis, including pelvic floor exercises and bodywork techniques
- MUST KNOW about hormones, pre-menopausal, menopause and diet
- Osteoporosis prevention, including weight bearing on Pilates Apparatus and Bone Up exercises
- Touch therapy (Hips and lower back soft tissue release techniques)
Available for In-person | Online & Hybrid | Onsite
In-person | Online
Booking by appointment only